Monday, September 30, 2019

Areas of learning and development Essay

1.1 Explain each of the areas of learning and development and how these are interdependent There are seven areas of learning and development set out by the EYFS, each are important and interconnects there are three prime and four specific areas. The prime are the main area of development from birth to 2 years and important for firing children’s curiosity and enthusiasm and helping them to form relationships. The prime areas are: Personal, Social and emotional development Physical development Communication and language The four specific areas compliments and supports the prime areas from 2-5 years, but the prime are the foundation for successful learning. The specific areas are: Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design The EYFS learning and development (Page226 in children and young people is workforce). Educational programme must involve activities and experiences for children in the following aspects: Aspects of personal, social and emotional development involves helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves and others; forming positive relationship and develop respect for others; to develop social skills and learn to manage their feelings; to understand appropriate behaviours in groups; and to have confidence in their abilities. Aspects of physical development involves providing opportunities for young children to be active and interactive; and to develop their co-ordination control, and movement. Children must also be help to understand the importance of physical activity and to make healthy choices in relation to food. Aspects of communication and language development involves giving children Opportunities to experience a rich language environment, to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves and to speak and listen in a range of situations. Aspects of literacy development involves encouraging children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write. Children must be given access to a wide range of reading materials. Aspects of mathematics development involves helping children to solve problems and to thinking logically, use everyday language  to talk about size weight; recognise create and describe patterns; explore characteristics of objects and shapes and measures. Understanding the world development involves helping children to gain an understanding of the world around them ; knowing about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among facilities communities and tradition, recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools. Expressive arts and design development involves increasing their interest in creativity, representing their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role play and stories. The EYFS describes the seven areas of learning separately but it is important to recognise their interdependence. This means that good quality activities will cover more than one area of development and neglecting one area of development is likely to create difficulties later.(e.g) Personal, social and emotional development is like a treat throughout all area if this area is not well supported, children will find it hard to concentrate, play alongside others or make progress in other areas. 1.2 Describe the documented outcomes for children that form part of the relevant early years framework. To be able to measure that each child has the access to a quality early years education regardless of where they live, circumstances or family background the EYFS designed a series of outcomes to document each area of learning. These are called the Early Learning Goals, this is targets for children to meet throughout their early years and at the end of the reception year. These goals are important as they form the building blocks for children’s later education. It is important that practitioners recognise that may of the Early Learning Goals are also associated with children’s development and so while it is reasonable to expect children to meet them at the end of the reception year, they are not meant to be used as outcomes in nurseries or pre-school. It is also worth nothing that some children will for a variety of reasons not meet all of the Early Learning Goals as they may have specific health or learning difficulties or because they are simply young than their peers. 1.3 Explain how the documented outcomes are assessed and recorded The purpose and aim of the EYFS is to help young children achieve the five every child matters outcomes. There are four themes that underpin all the guidance A unique child Positive relationship Enabling environments Learning and development This guidance support each child’s learning and development and help practitioners to support children’s learning development, by closely matching what they provide to child’s current needs. An on-going formative assessment is at the heart of effective early years practice. In my setting we constantly observe our key children as they act and interact in their play. We then plan activities through these observations and things learnt from parents about what the chid do at home. Using examples of the development columns â€Å"unique child† the observation is assess to see what the child can do and what the next step is to help their development pathway. This recorded through observation sheets (long-incident and planned) also weekly planning, summative assessment and monthly learning journal sheet given to parents to see what the child does at home. This cycle is continually throughout the child’s time in the nursery and makes up their learning journal that goes with them to reception. 2.1 Use different sources to plan work for an individual child or group While playing outside I notice that one of my key children had an interest in collecting cocus and putting them in the back of his car. 2.2 Engage effectively with children to encourage the child’s participation and involvement in planning their own learning and development activities. The ways in which ‘a child engage with other, people and their environment – playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically –underpin learning and development across all areas and support the child to remain an effective and motivated learner. From observation 2.1 I planned an activity to help child A to learn how to count by doing a nature walle around the nursery to collect cocus. Counting them at the end to see how many each child collected. 2.3 Support the planning cycle for children learning and development. The EYFS is very clear, that observation must form the basis of planning for individual children there are two specific legal requirements in this respect which are found in welfare requirement relating to the organisation of the setting. Providers must carry out sensitive observational assessments in order to plan to meet the children’s individual needs. Providers must plan and provide experierices which are appropriate to each child’s stage of development as they progress towards the early learning goals. It is important that plans reflects children’s interests and needs. Observe and collect information. Record what you know and see about children’s strengths, interest, capabilities and cultures. Question Analyse- Interpret and make meaning of information collected and evidence documented. link evidence to learning development. Outcomes Plan, Act and Do Design learning experiences and learning environments. Discuss learning and next steps with children’s families and other professionals. The planning cycle is used to support assessments for learning which is designed to discover what children know and understood, based on what they make, write draw, say and do. 3.1 Explain how practitioners promote children’s learning within the relevant early years framework. The EYFS emphasise a personal approach to learning, this is because all children develop at their own rate and in different ways. In my setting we observe each child and make observations so that we can see patterns of the child’s interests as well as to see how they are developing. This allows us to analyse whether the child is within their age and stage of development. As such this enables us to plan appropriately for the child, seeing whether they are within the developmental pathway. This allows us to work in partnership with parents giving them the opportunity to be apart of weekly planning, assessments and giving their input. 4.2 Explain the importance of engaging with a child to support sustained shared thinking. The importance of engaging with children is that it  enhances the child’s learning encounter encouraging, helping them to learn new words extended conversations and helps children to extended conversation to develop their own ideas, while chatting to them to promote their development. Sustained share thinking helps children to reach conclusions and explore concepts at a deeper level. During this period, children are also processing information more effectively and often make connections with things that they have already learnt. This â€Å"joining up† of ideas and concepts is extremely valuable. Children have to be extremely interested in an activity or something that has occurred to sustained shared thinking. We also have to be ready to follow up on things that children find fascinating or intergrading. Recognising the potential for sustained shared thinking is therefore essential.

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